Photo: Thomas Gravanis

A walk along Patission Avenue, the longest street of Athens, offers more than an exploration of one of the most diverse thoroughfares of the city. It’s a showroom stretch that exhibits one and a half centuries of history, architecture and culture. All you need to know is where to look.

By Paul Pervanas

Good morning from Patission Avenue.

Photo: Thomas Gravanis

An anevue with a view.

Photo: Thomas Gravanis


Patission is like a living, life-size gallery of the city’s rich architectural heritage. We stop by some of the street's most iconic examples of different periods, from Art Nouveau to Mid-century Modernism and beyond.

the entrance of a building, the sign reads "Patision Melathon 339".
a corner two-storey building, people walking down the street.
a tall building with orthogonal composition, blue sky above.
a tower-shaped building among blocks of flats.
a buliding with circular and ornamented facade.

History and Culture

Almost every building and facade on Patission has a story to tell. Together, these stories weave the social and cultural fabric of the street, and as a result, the city itself. Some buildings, however, stand out as markers for their significance in the history of not only the country, but the world.

facade of an old building.
the facade of the National Archaeological Museum, people walking by, cars on the street.
a huge grey sculptured-head of a man among trees and bushes.


From traditional lunch spots, to lively markets, ethnic delis, syrupy desserts and street food joints, the culinary-minded urban traveller will be pleased to discover that the food landscape of Patission is lush and diverse.

a window display with pastry.
a man selling fish on a counter.
set tables at a restaurant.
a woman holding dough on a towel in the kitchen.
a man tossing the dough in the kitchen.

Parks and Squares

Athens is notoriously known for being densely built and open spaces are sparse. This is why every pocket of green, whether it’s a park, a square, or pedestrianised road, is treasured by locals and put to good use for exercising, dog-walking and socialising.

old men sitting around a table at a square.
a square with trees and a fountain, birds around.
two men and a woman having a picnic at the park.
a metro platform with green tiles, two women sitting on a bench, one standing, a sign that reads "Victoria"
Omonia Square in Athens

Urban Highlights

Daily life along Patission retains the patterns of previous decades and has an almost nostalgic charm. Here you won’t find the specialty coffee and vegan cafés that abound in other parts of town like Pangrati and Koukaki. But certain shops and venues along the street have gained a reputation that stretches to the far ends of the city.

a man adding cream on top of a dessert.
au revoir kypseli
the entrance of a cinema, cars parked outside.
a bowling pista.

Editor’s Cut

Patission continued, all the way to the Acropolis

Sunny Kotzia Square, the Athens City Hall in focus.

Photo: Thomas Gravanis

People socializing in Platia Agias Irinis.

Photo: Thalia Galanopoulou